Apr 16, 2008

The Best Medicine

“Then was our mouth filled with laughter.” If the Christian life does anything for a person, it balances him out. It is not all fun and games, as some would have us believe. But, on the other hand, it is not a sour-looking long face either. God made the mouth so that it can turn up or down. Left to itself, it’s neutral. Our attitude determines which way it goes. And, certainly, I understand the influence of circumstances at times.

If anyone has the right to laugh, it is those who have been delivered from being held in long captivity. Spiritual laughter can cause our enemies to take notice so that they testify among themselves, “The Lord hath done great things for them.” The laughter of God’s people is what convinced their adversaries.

“A merry heart doth good like a medicine,” says the wise man. Sometimes it is not medication we need but merriment. We have a plaque hanging on a wall in our home that reads, “He who laughs, lasts.” Maybe today some of us need to get with friends and have an old-fashioned belly laugh. It would do us all good.

Some of the most memorable times in life are those in which we shared laughter with friends.

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