Jun 2, 2008

Changeable Christians

“…meddle not with them who are given to change.” There are some changes that are good as well as necessary. For example, all improvement is change. And each of us periodically ought to be experiencing this. But our text is speaking of a different kind of change. It is speaking of one who is “given over” to it. When the Bible uses the term “given over,” it is speaking of dissipation as opposed to moderation.

The root problem with this sort of changeable Christian is discontent. It seems they get weary of the old and are easily captivated by the novelty of the new and untried. They are forever experimenting. Their restless, turbulent spirit makes for “unstable souls.” This type can undo all the good that has been done. They like change for no other reason than change itself. And they are oblivious to how their attitude and actions affect family and friends.

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