Aug 13, 2008

Letter to a Friend (1 of 5)

My Dear Christian Sanguine,

I was going to write you and your three “siblings” together, but I felt that each of you deserves a personal letter. Though I am not into psychology, I know a little of what it has to say about each of you. The interesting thing is that all four of you were found in the Bible before you were ever named. It’s amazing how modern the Old Book is!

Sanguine, I realize at times you are misunderstood by us who are your brethren because of some of your characteristics. Your talkativenesss, impulsiveness, restlessness, etc, can often get on people’s nerves. Some say you’re not a great thinker, and, as a result, are shallow. Say what they will, but I, for one, thank God each time I meet you. You always brighten up my life. Your cheerful spirit, winning smile, and refusal to take offense, bless my soul.

Whatever your shortcomings, they are overshadowed by your childlike faith, your undying gratitude to God for the smallest of blessings, along with your delight in the simple things of life. I honestly do not know what this dull, drab world would do without your smiling face. Stick in there; we all need you.

Your Friend

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