Sep 15, 2008

Are Babies in Heaven?

There is a difference of opinion on the above question. The Scriptures are not too clear on the subject. My personal belief is that they are not; my reason for saying this is the same as that of no old people being there: imperfection. What mother going to Heaven before her infant would want it to remain a baby on earth? She would want it to grow and mature. It seems to me we will all be of a perfect age. Our Lord died in the prime of life and stayed that way.

No matter your position on the subject, one thing all of us should agree on is that maturity is one of the great necessities of life. Most all our problems stem from this lack. We hear a lot about growth today in the Christian realm, but Peter tells us that along with growth, there should be knowledge of the Lord Jesus. The result of growth without knowledge is retardation.

Paul told the Philippian believers he had lost everything for the knowledge of Christ. C.S. Lewis said, “The process of growing up is to be valued for what we gain, not for what we lose.”

A person doesn’t know anything until they know Christ intimately. (Col.2:3)

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