Jan 15, 2009

Standing the Test of Time

Paul’s principles were in line with the Word of God. He believed people, as well as things, should first be proved before putting one’s stamp of approval upon them. Individuals who live by this scriptural philosophy are many times misunderstood and even criticized as being harsh and unforgiving.

A good example of this is found in the latter part of Acts chapter fifteen. In our story, the Apostle did not want young John Mark to prove himself to Paul, but to his own self. Interestingly, after Mark did prove himself to himself, Paul’s opinion of him changed (2 Tim.4:11).You see, the old man knew it was more important how the young man felt about himself, than how others thought of him.

Time is a good tester! A person or product that has not been proven over a period time is generally not one you would want to put your full confidence in. Just to site one example of this in my own life would be my use of the old 1611 Authorized King James Version of the Bible. You can put T. and P. next to every verse in it. That is, Tried and Proved.

A wait and see attitude is not necessarily pessimistic; it can be pietistic!

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