Apr 20, 2009

*Help's On the Way

“For he shall deliver…him that hath no helper." We say, “God helps those who help themselves.” I believe this little quip, if it’s kept in context. But what happens when a person can't help himself? For example, the impotent man at the Pool of Bethesda—he would certainly fall into this category. When we find ourselves in such a condition, it is a comfort to be able to say with the writer of Hebrews, "The Lord is my helper…I will not fear."
There will be times in your Christian life when you find yourself experiencing temporary paralysis. All your inward, spiritual, vital organs will be functioning; but, in spite of this, it seems you are unable to move, or to help yourself. Like Israel at the Red Sea, you are paralyzed by circumstances. What is one to do at such a crucial time? Simply "stand still,” and know that help is on the way. Remember, Jesus always shows up when He's needed. "But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his son…"

If Christ is your helper, you're never helpless.

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