May 21, 2009

We Judgmental Jerks

Like A.W. Tozer, there are some words used in today’s vernacular that absolutely cause me to cringe when hearing them. Such words as: share (it used to be give), awesome (which I personally reserve only for God), and life-style (usually connected with immoral living).

One such word that heads my list of no-no’s is the term judgmental. The world wants to do away with this type of person, so it will leave the field open to live any way one wants, without the nuisance of their conscience nagging them. One man in the Bible beheaded a judgmental prophet thinking to sooth his.

Interestingly, you will find the people who advocate silencing judgmental persons are themselves harshly judgmental of those very individuals they wish to hush-up. Life is made up of checks and balances. Take away judgment and you’re left with a
“false balance.”

When the scripture speak of not judging, it is referring to one’s motive. I cannot judge why a person lies, commits adultery, murders, or steals; but I can judge the fact they have done these things. For you to judge a man who staggers as drunk, could be wrong; but you have every right to say, “That man staggers.”

“Only God has the right to judge me,” usually comes from the lips of someone who is in the wrong!

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