Oct 14, 2009

The Manhood of Elijah

The Bible tells us, “Elijah was a man...” In today’s society, there is a great emphasis on certain forms of life becoming extinct. One particular species that falls under this category is a real man; he is a rare breed. There seems to be few who care that he is passing off the scene. I remember, as a boy, coming from a broken home, and having no masculine example to follow. Yet, in spite of this, my greatest desire was to be a man’s man. This desire has never left me throughout the years. Just because one is a male does not necessarily make him a man. Nor does being a Christian guarantee it.

What is a man? It’s neither brawn nor brains. They come in all different sizes and vary in intellect. But all have one characteristic that marks them: in any situation that arises in life, you can always depend on him to do what needs to be done, on the basis that it simply needs to be done. It matters not to him that his personal safety, comfort, and reputation may be in jeopardy.

He is not without shortcomings. All are aware of them. He doesn’t put cosmetics on his blemishes. What you see is what you get. But of one thing you can be sure; when he faces his Goliath’s in life, He will not run from them, for he doesn’t know how to retreat. His inbred principles will not allow him to flee from his responsibilities. His principles are not negotiable; they are unchangeable. They are not open for debate. To the Christian man, they are eternal principles.

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