Oct 28, 2009


When my youngest daughter, Charity, was small and would see things that matched, she would say, “They are same-alikes.” Well, the only thing God’s children are alike in is their principles. We all received a Divine disposition at the time of our Spiritual birth. This is true Christ-likeness. Other than this, we are like snowflakes or fingerprints; the Bible uses the stars to show our diversities.

This individuality necessitates our Heavenly Father, like any wise earthly one, to deal with each of His children accordingly. The Scriptures teach both general truths and specific; and so it is with God’s dealings with His “Little Ones.” For example, generally speaking, “Nothing is impossible with God.” But, specifically we’re told, “It is impossible for God to lie.” This principle also holds true in the Lord dealing with each of His Elect; that is, in a general and specific sense.

There are the general Commandments (ten) addressed to all the saints, but there are also specific commands given to individual Believer’s at different times and in various situations, as they go through life. This is one of the great dangers in taking biographies too seriously and trying to emulate the character written about. Let me illustrate. C.S. Lewis’ prayer-life consisted in request and committal; while Hudson Taylor’s was in claiming and getting things from God. Which was right? Who was most Spiritual? Both! This truth is found in Hebrews chapter eleven, where we find the dividing line in such lives is found in the words, “And others…”
Let God be as original with others as He is with you! (Oswald Chambers)

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