Nov 23, 2009

Crediting the Creditors

Though the old saying, “Giving credit, where credit is due,” is not spelled out in the Bible, its principle is. One such deserving people are those who give the credit, just not those who receive it. We need to give some credit to the creditors.

It seems exalting oneself at another’s expense is the vogue thing today. It takes real heart-felt humility to put the spot-light on someone else and off of us. Pride loves to parade itself as if it were the only one in the marching procession. We like all eyes to be upon us.

The next time someone gives you credit for something, take a minute to appreciate the humility it took to sincerely do so. It’s an easy thing to take credit, to be on the receiving end, but not always easy to give it. Many times it’s a thankless endeavor!

I love the way the translators of the K.J.V puts it in their dedicatory, concerning those who are “eaten-up," so to speak, with themselves. They’re described as, “…self-conceited Brethren who run their own ways, and give liking unto nothing, but what is framed by themselves, and hammered on their anvil.”

When credit is due another, pay what is owed them.

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