Jan 3, 2010

Learning to Walk

“Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” Walking according to a set of man-made rules and restrictions may outwardly hide some fleshly fruit, but will only be replaced by a damnable fleshly pride peeking through filthy rags of righteousness. God promises to enable us to meet His heavenly standards. No such promise is given for a man-made list of taboos. God supplies what He demands! To walk by earthly, human restrictions is to walk unaided by Deity.

A Spiritual walk is not a complicated teaching; it is not something deep and mystical, something for a pseudo elite, enlightened group. Walking in the Spirit is simply an on-going attitude of reliance, a continual dependence upon the indwelling Spirit in every area of your life. This refusal is what caused Satan’s fall. When he said, “I will be like the Most High,” he was not desiring God’s Holiness, but rather His independence. Maintaining one’s Spiritual dependence is what Satan fights.

Whenever we cease to walk in the Spirit, we immediately return to walking in the flesh. The latter is easy to spot; they characteristically manifest an empty heart and barren life. They erroneously think human effort can bring their desired results. Oswald Chambers said, “All our vows and resolutions end in denial because we do not have the power to carry them out.” Only the Spirit of God can keep us from fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh. “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not…”

We cannot meet tomorrow’s issues today. We must walk step by step today. It is a constant appropriation of the Spirit’s power in our lives.

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