Jun 23, 2010

*Goliath vs. God

All knowledgeable Christians are familiar with the story of David and Goliath, but, in reality, the issue was between God and Goliath. David was only the means—the instrument God used to bring to pass Goliath’s downfall. God was more than qualified to do his own fighting had He wished to. David, like us, was given the wonderful privilege of standing publicly with God against the, seemingly, impossible human odds. As my wife Salle brought to my attention, God has a sling, also (1 Sam. 25:29; Jer. 10:18), and He is very capable of using it.

On that momentous day, there were only two kinds of people present: those who trusted Goliath, and those who put their trust in God. It is so easy to fall into the trap of trusting in the giants of our day. Goliath had the physical appeal as well as the natural means to win. These, in themselves, are enough to gain the confidence of people. The only thing this giant lacked was God; but this always makes the difference. Without Him, we are leaning on a broken reed.

May God grant us the ability to not trust in the impressive giants of our generation, for protection or provision, but in God alone. It is not to the giant Goliath, but to the great God of Heaven that we are to look.

“But the Lord said…Look not on…the height of his stature.” (1 Sam. 16:7)

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