Jul 20, 2010

Sure, You Can

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” This is not an idle boast but a stated fact. Various experiences throughout this old man’s life helped him form this conclusion. He had a firm confidence that Christ would enable him to perform his daily duties both toward God and man. He believed he could bear any trial, perform any task, subdue any evil in his nature, shoulder any burden, and meet any and all temptations, with the strength he derived from the indwelling Christ.

Paul believed he could do what he ought to do. This was not self-confidence, but God-confidence. There was no doubt in his mind that as long as he abode in the vine, he could draw from its life-giving strength, thereby enabling him to meet life’s responsibilities. He did not look at outward circumstances; he looked inward to Christ.

I’ve known some among the so-called learned, who thought of some others as being “a brick short on top.” Yet I’ve seen these same underdogs excel spiritually over their analysts. It has little to do with our intellect, but it has everything to do with the One who indwells. As one teenager said, “I’ve learned that my “I can” is more important than my “I.Q.”

Christ's commandments are His ennoblements!

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