Oct 26, 2010

*His Eminence

“That in all things he might have the preeminence.” At the heading of each book in my Bible, I have put a brief definition of what I believe that particular book’s overall teaching is. In the book of Colossians I have written “Christ, the Colossus of Colossians.” Some of the meanings of the word “colossus” are, “extra-ordinarily great; gigantic; huge; very powerful.” These are certainly good descriptive terms for our blessed Lord.

I heard an old preacher say once, “Jesus is the only Person you can brag on and never be guilty of over exaggeration.” You can always tell what kind of church you’re in by the place they give Jesus. There is an interesting text in Job that says, “How little a portion is heard of him.” In the Church, He is to be the center of our preaching, teaching, singing, testimonies, fellowship, praying, giving, and all business transactions. He is to tower over everything and everyone else.

I am fearful that too many ministers and people have the stamp of Diotrephes upon their foreheads (lll Jno.9).

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