Dec 21, 2011

The Weakest Link

I think the little adage, “You’re only as strong as your weakest link,” to be a true saying. A fifty foot chain with a defective link is not one you would want to hold you while hanging over a thousand foot precipice.

I’m personally inclined to believe the weakest link in most Christians’ lives today is not Bible reading, but in their prayer life. I was shocked to hear my dear pastor years ago say from the pulpit that the greatest failing in his spiritual life was prayer. Now, after half a century of serving the Lord, I too must ashamedly add my own amen to this truthful confession.

When it comes to the subject of prayerlessness, I find I like to talk about it, preach about it, write about it, but do nothing about it! Jesus said, “When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” The context of this scripture is importune prayer.

A young preacher who lived briefly with us years ago used to sing the song, “Why Worry When You Can Pray?” But he reversed it to say, “Why Pray When You Can Worry?” Very humorous, but sadly to say, very true.

I often say my prayers,
But do I ever pray?
And do the wishes of my heart
Go with the words I say?

I may as well kneel down
And worship gods of stone,
As offer to the living God
A prayer of words alone.

Dec 9, 2011

Silence Is Not Always Golden

“...dumb dogs, that cannot bark.” Some years ago I was in a meeting in Canada. The pastor (who is also a veterinarian) picked me up each evening at my motel. Upon entering the car one night I asked, “And how was your day?” His reply was, as always, “Fine.” But then he added, “I had to take the voice box out of two dogs today. Neighbors were complaining about their barking, so the owners brought them to me for the operation.”

A dog that can bark can warn of approaching danger, as well as scare away the menace, or at least, make him think twice. To take the voice box from a watch dog is to make those he guards easy prey for the enemy.

Isaiah is addressing those in places of leadership who are to be watchmen over God’s heritage. His indictment against them is that they cannot “bark.” No longer did they warn of oncoming danger but, rather, remained silent, allowing God’s innocent sheep to fall prey to ravenous wolves that would devour them without mercy. John the Baptist was a “voice.” His enemies were not satisfied till they had taken his voice box out, and neither will ours be.

Silence isn’t always golden; sometimes it’s just plain yellow!

Nov 17, 2011

*With Him

“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” I recently turned seventy-eight years of age. The greater part of my life has been spent in living for Him; so according to our Scripture, I would think it appropriate for me to say “to die is gain.” To have lived for Him has been unspeakable joy; but to be with Him will be unending bliss.

My dear, dear, preacher friend, Marvin Clanton, has on his tombstone, “With Christ...far better.” Paul knew to live for Christ was a wonderful thing, but to be with Him surpasses anything this life has to offer, even in the way of Christian service. Will your death be gain? Fill in the blank to find out: “For me to live is______________.”

“Pray that thy last days, and last works may be the best; and that when thou comest to die, thou mayest have nothing else to do but die.”

(Puritan Saying)

Nov 11, 2011

*It's Mutual

"Helping together in prayer." There are a number of ways in which we can (and ought) to help each other. But, among them all, there is no greater than prayer. Prayer is to be mutual; it is to be reciprocal between us and our brethren.

The Apostle Paul felt the need of prayer from others. On more than one occasion in his letters you will find him requesting prayer. For example, when writing the saints at Colosse, he assured them that he prayed always for them. But, before closing his correspondence, he asked prayer for himself from them.

Many Christians would have considered these people spiritually inferior to the great apostle; but he didn't. He knew that the weakest saint upon his or her knees became a mighty warrior to help him in his battles.
Jesus told Peter, "I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not." Our Lord refused to abandon him to the devil.


Oct 26, 2011

Say What You Mean/Mean What You Say

I am not against couples renewing their marriage vows. But as for me, fifty years ago, when I spoke those words to that lovely young lady standing beside me, I said what I meant and meant what I said!

And so it was when I bowed the knee to my blessed Lord fifty and four years ago. It is for this reason I personally do not believe in so-called “rededication.” What I do believe in is “repentance,” after one has broken their sacred vow to the Lover of their souls.

Far too many are copping-out, doing the first of the above mentioned, over and over again during a so-called “altar call,” when they should be doing the latter, with strong crying and tears in the privacy of their prayer closet.

Consecration is a once-for-all thing; repentance is on-going as long as we are in this flesh.

Oct 24, 2011

Loaded Down

“[In]…our trouble…we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life. But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth up the dead.”

We’re not told exactly what this “trouble” was, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. But we do know it was above and beyond the normalcy of everyday Christian trials. So much so that this suffering saint “despaired even of life.” This unknown and unique experience brought the apostle to the place of utter helplessness.

It’s well to remember that this human beast of burden had borne the heaviest of loads all his life. But this one weighed him down to the extent that it could be said, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

What are we to do at such a time of hopelessness? We can emulate Paul. He passed sentence on all fleshly confidence, letting it become history. And, in exchange, he put all his trust in the God who “…raiseth up all those that are bowed down.”

Weighted down with burdens now, weighted down with GLORY then! (2Cor.4:17) I’ll take that, won’t you?

Oct 6, 2011

Around the Clock Care

"I the Lord do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." The song "Moment By Moment" should be a favorite of all believers who seek to live a victorious Christian life. There is not a moment, day or night, which God is not keeping us. Our God does not work shifts, but, rather, around the clock. David found great solace of soul in this truth. "He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth...shall neither slumber nor sleep."

Our heavenly Father, says Jesus, is the heavenly Vine-dresser who promises He will keep us moment by moment. Whether it is the scorching heat of the day, or the long lonely hours of the night, the Keeper of our souls has us under His watch care. No wonder Paul could say, " persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

"Kept by the power of God" Who knew better than the one who penned these words...the Apostle Peter.

Sep 29, 2011

Individual and Personal

“...all things work together for good...” Some time ago, at a late hour, on my knees next to my bed, feeling the weight of a burden I thought would crush me; I received new light on this text. Previously, I held it as a precious promise to all God’s suffering saints who loved Him. But, though it may be true collectively, this is only so because individuals have experienced it personally. It is possible this text may include everyone and me, but it can also exclude everyone but me. This Scripture must be approached as though I were the only one involved.

Others may be part of the mix that is working together in my life, but I am not to concern myself with them. For I do not know their hearts; but I do know mine, that I love God and am assured that everything will work out for my ultimate good. My good; His glory—what more could I want?

Sep 28, 2011

Singing the Truth

My wife often testifies before congregations that prior to singing a special, she asks the Lord to keep her from singing a lie. That is, she wants her life to come up to her singing. I wonder how many of us sing a falsehood when we sing the words to such old songs as; “It’s not my brother or my sister but me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer.” If we are singing unto the Lord as we are supposed to, then we are singing a lie if we do not believe prayer is the great need of our life.

We come into this world in a fetal position, and we go out in that same position. Surely the Lord is showing mankind his life should to be one of continuous prayer. The first thing we are told of Paul, the new born babe in Christ is, “Behold he prayeth.” And the last pose we should be found in is the fetal position of prayer. We are told that both Thomas Watson the Puritan, and David Livingston the great missionary, were both found kneeling in prayer at their deaths.

Let’s face it, most, if not all our problems, are prayer problems. Even the medical world now recognizes the solace that comes to those who pray. How true the words, “O what peace we often forfeit, O, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.” We all have a Divine invitation to enter His throne room (Hebrews 4:16). Let’s take advantage of it.

A.W. Tozer had what he called his “prayer pants”. He would put them on when entering his office in the morning before he prayed. The purpose was to keep from wearing out the knees of his suit pants. I’m sorry to say not too many of us have that problem. I say this to our own shame!

Sep 27, 2011

The Bottom Line

But without faith it is impossible to please [God].” The bottom line in pleasing God is faith. Other things are good and right in their place, but faith is the starting point. We begin our spiritual journey with it, and we end with it. Having a variety of good things in one’s life does not necessarily mean you have the right thing.
Faith is as much at home with the impossible as it is with the possible, for faith’s reliance is upon God who knows no limitations. Real faith involves not an introspection of itself, but always its occupation upon God. When faith’s eye is looking to God, and not placed on itself, it makes the impossible, possible. But every true act of faith is followed by activity. As one has said, “A faith that does not walk may soon become too weak to stand.”
Faith has degrees; there is “no faith, little faith, and great faith.” Faith can be increased as we exercise it. The reason why our faith does not grow is because there is always a calculated risk connected to it. This makes us hesitant to put feet to our faith. But once we step out of the boat, our initial act becomes a habit; one step turns into a walk.
If we are to display “the prayer of faith,” then we must of necessity pray with faith. Prayer without faith reduces us to faith in ourselves. A real, honest to goodness faith only comes from the written Word of God. And it will never betray those who place their confidence in it!  

Sep 19, 2011


Although I radically disagree with this dear woman’s church, as well as their doctrine, I do agree with one of her prayers. And so does the Bible. In speaking of the poor and hungry she said, “Lord, give them through our hand this day their daily bread.

This was Jesus’ teaching to his followers. He knew He would be leaving this earth, therefore He was training them to give to others what He had given to them. This is seen in the feeding of the multitude. Matthew records, “He gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.”  The principle is, “Freely ye have received, freely give.”

A little barefoot boy was sitting on a curbside singing, “Jesus loves me.” A passerby asked the little urchin, “If Jesus loves you so much, then why hasn’t He given you some shoes?” The small toe-head replied, “O, I’m sure He put it into someone’s heart to help me, I guess they just didn’t want to!”   

 “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these me brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Sep 18, 2011

Truth Tops Everything

“…for thou hast magnified thy word above thy all name.” This is a startling statement; nevertheless it stands like the Rock of Gibraltar in this topsy-turvy world. Without God’s final authority, every man will do that which is right in his own sight. When this occurs, the words “God says,” is replaced with “I think,” “I feel,” “I believe,” etc. For example, one can turn the Grace of God into lasciviousness (Jude 4), if he or she turns a deaf ear to what God has said about His Grace in Titus 2:11-12.

If we lift a text from Jeremiah, and transport it into our Twenty- first Century, we will see another example of putting God’s Word on the back burner. It is written, “Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love.” Applying this practically to the present is not a difficult thing to do. How many there are who, wanting to put on a good face before the brethren, trim truth under the guise of love. They do not want the stigma of being called judgmental and unloving. Such Christians are cowards copping out for the approval of today’s popular carnal society. They don’t want to take the heat that right principles bring. 

In Paul’s great chapter on love (1Cor.13), he plainly tells us, Biblical love rejoices in truth. Tough love is always tougher on the one administering it than the recipient, especially when the former is sincere and really cares for the latter. You’ll remember that though Joseph was tough on his erring loved ones in attempting to bring them to repentance, behind closed doors, where only God saw, he showed his tenderness and compassion in weeping uncontrollably for them. And it was this kind of love that got the job done. The wise man said, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” If you’re not willing to hurt them, you can’t help them. 

Sep 10, 2011


Someone has said, “It is alright to ask God a question, but wrong to question Him.” Jesus falls under the heading of the former, when on the cross He asks God, “Why hast thou forsaken me?” Israel in the wilderness fits into the category of latter, when they questioned God by saying, “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?

As God’s “earthen vessels,” it is never acceptable to question Him as to why He made us the way we are. Or, as Paul so vividly illustrates this very thing in Romans, “Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed [it], Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?” 

One of the secrets of being comfortable in your own skin is in realizing that God made your skin and put you in it! We are not all the same, but we all had the same Maker. There is a great line spoken in the movie Viva Zapata, “Though we are all from the same clay, a jug is not a vase.” When you come right down to it, it really doesn’t make that much difference. All of us, (Christians) have the same treasure within. Whether it is a crock-pot, or fine china, it is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

The Christian's Critic

In Bible times, names depicted a person’s nature. They were descriptive and significant. This is especially true of the devil. The many names given to him reveal his character and activities. I read that he has at least thirty different names that describe his person and work. But, of all these names, I do not believe there is one that causes more depression and depreciation for a Christian than the title, “the accuser of the brethren.” We are told that he does this before God, night and day.

What makes this so tragic is the fact that what he accuses us of is, mainly, all true and factual. What is one to do with this constant condemnation of conscience? Thank God, we have a Heavenly Advocate to deal with our hellish adversary. Our Lawyer reminds him of the cross, and how all of our faults, failures, and sins were paid for there—that our past, present, and even the future have been wiped clean in the blood of the Lamb.

Judicially, we have been justified freely from all things, and need not concern ourselves with his condemnation of us. “Who is he that condemneth?” “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth.” “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus...the blood of Christ purge[d] your conscience...”

Aug 24, 2011


One of the meanings for the word emulate is: to imitate a person or thing admired. They say, “Imitation is the truest form of flattery.” This may be true of the one, but certainly not of the impersonator. Emulation is said to be one of the works of the flesh. Therefore, no matter how good the performance, you can never please God.

George MacDonald writes, “No work noble or lastingly good can come of emulation any more than greed: I think the motives are spiritually the same.” He goes on to say, “When a man spends his energy on appearing to have, he is all the time destroying what he has and therein the very means of becoming what he desires to seem. If he gains his end, his success is his punishment.” And so, those who are always trying to be someone else will never know the love and plans God has for them, for they are never home when He calls.

“God help me to live in a morally and honest way, without pretending either to be what I am not or not to be what I am.” (J.I. Packer)

Aug 7, 2011

Pompous Piety

Oswald Chambers wrote, “Beware of the piety that denies the natural life.” He went on to warn, “Beware of passing off as a profound person; God became a Baby.” It is painful for many of us to admit to our flawed humanity. Rather than accept the fact, we have chosen to believe the devils lie, “Ye shall be as gods.” This is where “I thank thee, that I am not as other men are…” comes in.

Throughout the scriptures you find God coming to the aid of those who recognize their natural limitations and inabilities. Whenever we acknowledge our fallen humanity, there is hope. Our supernatural God will help His natural creation once we cease trying to pass ourselves off as miniature deities. I am afraid it is embarrassingly true, if it were possible that there was a vacancy in the Godhead, some are so pompously pious that they would apply for the position.

Aug 6, 2011

*Let God Be God

I believe one of the great, but passed-over, statements in the Bible was made by Elijah. Apart from a small remnant of seven thousand, the entire Nation of Israel was steeped in apostasy. The old prophet, standing alone upon Mount Carmel, challenged the powerless people of his day with these words, “Let him be God.”  That is, “Let God be God.” He believed if God was God He must, and would, act like a God.

There were no anemic excuses made by Elijah for his God. His God did not need any well intentioned helper to steady His ark. His God was a “hands off” God. Elijah’s God could take care of himself; He didn’t need puny, humanistic hands to aid Him. For, says He, “If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world [is] mine, and the fulness thereof.” God is independent of any and all of His creation. “In the beginning God…”

When dealing with God you’re dealing with a portrait, not a family picture. “When they lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.” Until all the great spiritual people (Moses and Elijah) are out of the picture, you’re refusing to “Let God Be God.”

Aug 5, 2011

The Two-Sided Saint

“What will ye? Shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?” In life, it is important to realize that many, if not most, of our choices are determined by what others choose. How Paul acted was dependent upon the Corinthians’ actions. Whether he would comfort or correct—the ball was in their court. They would have to decide what to do with it.

A Scriptural saint is to have two sides to their life. Many are flaunting the fact of their love for the brethren, but are void of the side that seems to be unpleasant. They have difficulty reconciling one with the other. Yet, it is said of God, “As many as I love I chasten.” In our day, we seem to have sacrificed the one at the expense of the other.

Spiritual saints are sometimes saddened because they, of necessity, must reprove another. It is important at such times to realize, you did not choose to do this; the choice was made for you. There is no escaping these unpleasantries from time to time.

The wise man said, “Reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”  Peter was severely rebuked openly before all his brethren by Paul. Later, Peter refers to him as, “Our beloved brother Paul.” Can we say this of the one God uses to rebuke us; even if He uses Balaam’s dumb ass to do it? (11Peter2:15-16)

Aug 4, 2011

Riches Without Sorrow

“...take not thy holy spirit from me.” Most will agree the Holy Spirit’s ministry of abiding and sealing was not the same in the Old Testament as it was after Pentecost. But I want to center our thinking on something with less controversy. The plain teaching of the text, which is not open for argument, is that David was more afraid of losing his spiritual blessings than the physical ones. “Take my child; take my crown; if need be, take my life,” cries David. “But don’t take your spiritual blessings from me.”

David had seen what happens to the man from whom God withholds His spiritual blessings. “But the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul.” And when this happened, a giant of a man was left both sad and sinful.

It’s not the physical birth we are to give priority to, but our spiritual birth; not a future, physical kingdom, but a present spiritual kingdom. And most certainly it is not the temporal earthly blessings, but the eternal Heavenly blessings that are spiritual. Remember; it’s the spiritual blessings that make one really rich, and He adds no sorrow to them.

The physical is necessary, but the spiritual is crucial.

Aug 1, 2011

With Him

Father, I will that those which thou hast given me, be with me where I am.” My wife says, “I can understand me wanting to be with Him, but that He desires to be with me, I cannot comprehend.” Nevertheless, it seems to me that Christ will not be content till we are in His arms.

We saw this even when He was on earth. When He chose His disciples, we are told. “And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach.” Their ministering for Him came second to their being with Him. It would seem He likes to have those He loves around Him.

Jesus is preeminently a people person. We should love to be in His presence always. And also, we should long to have Him at all the family gatherings of His children. Please pardon the expression but, “He is the Life of the party!”

Jul 30, 2011

Face to Face

“And they shall see his face.” This is one of the greatest utterances to be found in all the Holy Scriptures. We can only approach this text with a sense of awe. Think of it; “We shall see him as he is.” We will be privileged to gaze upon Him in all His splendor and majesty.

We are being prepared even now to someday enter the audience chamber of the King of kings, and the Lord of lords; Whom we will see face to face. When this truth grasps us—when it really gets hold of our hearts, then our lives on this earth will be revolutionized. Once this fact is realized, everything else pales into insignificance. All our problems and troubles fade with the thought of seeing His face.

Take heart, weary pilgrim, the great reception is at hand. We are going to see the King in all His beauty.

One look upon His face will erase a lifetime of heartaches.

Jul 29, 2011

Showing up the Devil

“And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” Satan may have given our Lord a temporary bruise to His heel, but, while it was nailed to the Cross, that heel gave a permanent bruise to the devil’s head. This was the historical moment when God put Satan to open shame. God’s grace disgraced the devil.

Though He was crucified through weakness, this day a Stronger One than the strong man would enter his house, bind him, take away his armor wherein he trusted and divide his spoils. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

Because of our union with Christ, He has given us power over the power. We need to cease cowering, and come out of our cowardly corners. We are seated with Christ in the Heavenlies, “far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion...” By faith, we need to claim our God-given authority over the power of darkness. For Paul tells us that we have been, “Delivered from… the power of Satan unto God… Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated [us] into the kingdom of his dear Son.”

David didn’t run from Goliath, but toward him, in the mighty name of the Lord.

Jul 28, 2011

The Center-Piece

In one of his many books, a dispensational Bible teacher says that the theme of the Bible is the Kingdom. How sad that so-called scholarship should be so shallow. The central theme of the Bible is Jesus Christ.  Theologians refer to it as, “Christocentric.” Eliminate Christ from the two Testaments and the Bible disintegrates into fragments. If He is subtracted you are left with unexplained ceremonies, unachieved purposes, unappeased longings, and unfulfilled prophecies.

In a well-meaning attempt today, I’m sure, many, in trying to bring about a moral change are majoring on the political, psychological, and philosophical aspects of life. But all such attempts apart from Christ are immoral. We are told, “…that in all things he might have the pre-eminence.”

Anything or anyone who is put in His place throws our lives completely off kilter. Nothing in this life is of any value unless directly related to Him. He is to be the center-piece on the mantle of our hearts, all else is to be moved to the sides.

Jul 27, 2011

Weighed in the Balance

“Let me be weighed in an even balance…” An old preacher once told me that the hardest thing in his Christian life was finding the right balance. After more than a half-century of preaching, I can say “Amen” to that. The believer’s life can be a teeter-totter at times. This is especially true in the realm of prophecy. Good and Godly men differ on this subject. But there is a great danger among them of getting off balance by going to extremes, attempting to prove their particular prophetic position. As a result, those who follow them unquestionably end up on a spiritual see-saw.

If you go too far on one position, you’re entire life goes into trying to clean up this condemned earth. To observe these people, it is apparent that Heaven has lost its sweetness. The second extreme is a group who can only talk or think about, to put it in their terms, “gettin’ out of here.” They cannot enjoy anything on this earth that God has given them. They have turned everything over to the devil. The third group can no longer pray, “Thy kingdom come,” for they believe it’s already here. There is no such thing as a future, glorious reign. Thus they lose their anxious anticipation.

I just wonder if all of them don’t have some element of truth. But, since we are such extremists, we have allowed this to throw us off balance. I may be wrong. All I know is that I am miserable whenever I go to seed on any particular one of these. It seems to me that none of the three is complete in itself.

Jul 25, 2011

Hated By Proxy

“…the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.” Satan hates God, and the only way he could attack Him was by attacking the object of His love. And in this case, it was Christ. But now that Jesus is far removed from this earth, the devil has transferred his anger to God’s beloved children. And so we should not think it’s strange when the Evil One uses his puppets to cause us anguish of soul. You’ll remember, when Saul persecuted the saints, our Lord said it was against Him.

Even carnal Christians, out of the will of God, attempt to hurt us, simply because they are bitter toward God, and we are the only way they think they can get to Him. This is doubly true of a mate, siblings, or our children. The animosity that is shown toward us is, in reality, a desire to slap the face of God. So, don’t take it too personally; you just happen to be the closest at hand.

Jul 23, 2011

Want To or Ought To

“ ought always to pray...” Notice our Lord did not say, “want to,” but, “ought to.” Though the superficially spiritual person will reject it, humble, honest saints will be the first to admit prayer can be irksome at times. Legion are the excuses we make for omitting it, all because we do not feel like praying. There is truth in the gospel song that says, “When you don’t feel like praying, pray.”

If you don’t think prayer works, stop doing it. But to do so will be to your own detriment. It is well to remember that some of our, so-called, worst times in prayer are probably our best. When feelings stop at the door, faith can enter the closet. And that is what pleases God.

The end of feelings is the beginning of faith.

Jul 22, 2011

Grace for the Disgraced

"He was…full of grace…And of his fullness have all we received…" It has been said, "Justice is getting what you deserve; mercy is getting less than you deserve; and grace is getting more than you deserve. Christ was full of grace, and we have received of that fullness. There is no area in the Christian life when a person displays more Christ-likeness than when he or she is showing grace towards the fallen. One who is controlled by the Spirit of Christ never says of another's misfortune, "They got what they deserved."

For years, I was associated with a movement that, to their credit, manifested abundant grace toward the vilest. But it stopped with the salvation of the sinner. It seemed grace ran dry when it came to manifesting it to the saint. Both in the homes, churches, and workplaces, there was only stringent rules and regulations to be kept. And there was no hope for one who came short in any one of these areas. And so, as a result of bringing personal embarrassment upon these lofty ones, who thought themselves exempt from the poor publican’s dilemma, the sinning saint received, not loving, tender grace, but a long time grudge.

The Christian cannot be full of grace, and, at the same time, full of self.

Jul 21, 2011

Unskilled Laborer

God has no unskilled laborers. Each of us in the Body of Christ has some skill to offer in the building up of His Kingdom. The problem comes when we try to minister in an area where we are unskilled. How would you like to go to an expensive restaurant, known for its exquisite food in the past, only to find they have just hired a grease mechanic for their chief-chef, all because, says the proprietor, he’s a good man with a good heart, and it has always been his desire to be a chef?

On the other hand, what if this coming Lord’s Day, at the beginning of the service, I seated myself at our church’s piano and attempted to play some Christian classic, all because I’ve always loved the piano and wanted to be able to play it? Scores of good Christians, with honest and good intentions, are attempting to do things to glorify God, but who have absolutely no skills in those particular areas. And if that were not bad enough, loved one’s and friends encourage them to do so. How many have had to suffer through sermons and songs, not to mention those blessed little children glued to their chairs, who all had to endure the unqualified mechanic trying to bake a cherry pie?

These fantasies that we can do certain things come from not being content with who we are and what we can do. It would be wise for us to look up the word “skill” and its derivatives, in the building of, and ministering in, the Old Testament temple.  

“Jack-of-all-trades, but master of none” was originally “master-of-one.” Let us master one, and let Jack worry about the others.

Jul 20, 2011

The Stranger Within

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” What a change it brings in a believer’s life when once they realize that they have not only a Divine Tenant living within their house of clay, but the Landlord, Himself. In spite of multitudes of Christians reciting the Apostle’s Creed every Sunday (“I believe in the Holy Ghost”), and fundamental and evangelical preachers making reference to Him from time to time, I believe few of God’s children are conscious of His blessed indwelling.

He is a Person. He can be grieved, lied to, and sinned against. He is a Teacher, Guide, and Comforter. The Scriptures speak of “the love of the Spirit,” yet we continue to spurn this One who longs to love us. How sad it must be to live within a house you bought and paid for, and your presence and rights are never recognized. The God Who indwelt the tabernacle, filled the temple, and lived in His Son, has taken up residence in us. How can we persist living the way some of us are?

Though God indwells all Christians, to many of them, He’s the Stranger within.

Jul 19, 2011

The Best Move

In giving an illustration our pastor said that in football the players are taught the most important move is to “fall forward.” Not backward toward your opponent’s goal, but forward toward yours. That way you don’t lose ground; plus, it can put you closer to your goal. I’ve seen many players score a touchdown using this method.

In the game of life, we are going to take some hard hits and be knocked down. When this happens we need to make sure we fall forward. Let us keep our eyes on the goal that is set before us. Don’t let Satan turn you around and point you toward his.

If you have been brought low recently, remember you’re still in the game and have some plays left. So get up, grab the ball and run. The goal is closer than any of us think.    

Jul 17, 2011

Isolated Texts

Sometime back I read an article in a popular evangelical magazine that told of a well-known personality who built his entire ministry on one, isolated passage in the Old Testament about Jabez. This poor man’s life and ministry, we are told, has now crumbled, along with many of his followers. He reportedly has said that the Jabez-type prayer didn’t work.

In almost fifty years of ministering, I have seen many fall into this tempting trap. Some have built an entire method of interpreting the Bible on 2 Timothy 2:15. Others teach the main goal of a Christian is “soul-winning,” based on Proverbs 11:30. The deeper life advocates use Galatians 2:20; and a popular prophetic group use a small, isolated portion of First Thessalonians four to convince their followers of the rightness of their position.

At the time when Jesus walked this earth, there was no New Testament, only the Old. But He built His entire life and ministry on the whole of it, not on an isolated text or small portion. We’d do well to follow His example, including, of course, the New Testament. Beware of anyone who uses an only text or an isolated portion to prove his or her point. If there is a thread of truth it will always be connected to the whole “spool.”

Jul 15, 2011

*Granny Had No Faults

“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted…” My grandmother, on my father’s side, died while I was still an infant. My other granny, I knew, however. I loved to go to her house, as a boy. The table was always set in case someone dropped in unexpectedly. And you knew there was tantalizing food under the extra tablecloth that was used to cover it. It only needed to be warmed up a little.

When my granny unbraided her hair, it would reach the floor as she sat in her rocker and combed it, after a washing. Her apron, I found, was a part of her daily dress. She had a lot of Cherokee blood in her, which was evident by her dark complexion and high cheekbones. Grandma Morrison was an old-time Primitive Baptist. I can remember her rocking and reading her Bible as she puffed on her corncob pipe and chewed on a twist of tobacco. And who could forget her old spittoon made from an empty Maxwell House coffee can? She was one of the kindest, most tender-hearted people I have ever known. And when I remember that, the pipe and the chew don't seem to be that important to me. But, of course, you may feel differently about people like that.

It’s hard to find fault with someone who loves you unconditionally.

Jul 13, 2011

*Imposing Your Opposing View

God’s, “Thou shalt’s” and “Shalt not’s” are not open for discussion. They’re for all to observe and obey. But those many grey areas such as found in Romans chapter fourteen are individual, and are not to be imposed on everyone.

C.S. Lewis writes, “One of the marks of a certain type of bad man is that he cannot give up a thing himself without wanting everyone else to give it up. That is not the Christian way. An individual Christian may see fit to give up all sort of things for special reasons…but the moment he starts saying the things are bad in themselves, or looking down his nose at other people who do use them, he has taken the wrong turning.”

I fear far too many of us are like Saul; who made a personal oath to the Lord, and then expected everyone else to do the same. And he was ready to condemn any and all who did not follow him, even godly Jonathan. People such as this go through life frustrated because others will not fall into the ranks of their strict regimentation. They can’t imagine anyone being a good and godly Christian who does not march to their drumbeat!    

Jul 11, 2011

We Came From a Good Root

John the Beloved, speaking of our Lord in the book of Revelation, tells us He was, “the Root of David.” This carries with it a double application. As to His humanity, Jesus had His roots in David; but as to His Deity, He was the Root of David. This is what baffled the Pharisees when Jesus told them He was both the Son of David, as well as David’s Lord.

Speaking of someone’s lineage, we say he or she had good roots. Well, this could certainly be said of God’s shepherd boy. His roots went back past his father, Jesse, to the eternal Son of God. Since Jesus was the root of David, we now understand how this man of clay could not be plucked up and cast aside by the devil, as some were in the story of the seed and the sower. David had an eternal root.

And so it is with God’s elect. Every angelic, or celestial, being had a time for their beginning. But we were chosen in Him in eternity. No created being that was created in time or eternity can go back as far as God Himself. And only in Him can you find my roots. Therefore, let the storms of life come—let the saw of man bring me down to the ground—but no one will ever destroy my root. This tree shall always grow again.

“For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant." (Job 14:7-9)

Jul 9, 2011

*Faith Without Frills

“Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.” When this nobleman left his house the day previous, his son was at the point of death. Now returning with nothing to undergird him save his foundational faith in Jesus’ word, he hears the joyous news from the servants who came to meet him, “thy son liveth.” And upon inquiry, he was told the child was healed the exact hour in which Jesus had spoken and he had believed. During those long hours in between, the man lived by what I like to refer to as, “raw faith.”

I am not a prophet, but I am an observer of mankind. And I have witnessed these last twenty-five years or so, a desire among many of God’s people for a, “feel good faith.” But God’s order is, and always has been, Fact, Faith, and Feeling. My pastor illustrated the three walking steadily on a fence post, each following the other. But once faith looked back at feeling, he fell off. It is faith, then feeling. Dr. Bob Jones Sr. used to say, Feeling is what you fall over on the road of obedience.” Abraham, I think, didn’t “feel” some great emotion as he was taking Isaac to sacrifice him. Faith is without frills. Faith doesn’t wear lace, its denim durable. Faith, says Paul, “Fights.” It is only this kind of “rare” faith that pleases God. The kind that bleeds!  

Jul 8, 2011

The Old and the New

I heard an old camp-meeting preacher say once, “Has it ever occurred to you that nothing has ever occurred to God?” “In the beginning God created…” God, then, predates the beginning. And when we read, “…time shall be no more,” this does not void the eternal existence of God in the eons to come. He is, was, and will be, everlastingly God. He’s never weary, and He never sleeps. Therefore, we might say, He’s up on everything. Nothing takes Him by surprise.

God is not awestruck with the antique, nor is He overly impressed with the contemporary. God is both old-fashioned and modern day. In Heaven, we’re told, they sing the old song of Moses, but, along with it, they sing a new song. The Jews liked the old ways and doggedly clung to them. This resulted in their rejecting “…a new and living way,” which God provided. All that’s new is not necessarily bad; and all that’s old is not to be thought of as all good.

There is nothing new or old with God. One of my grandsons, Joseph, who sings with a Southern Gospel group, wrote and sings a song: “He’s Already Been There.” God is the only One of whom it can truly be said, “Been there; done that!”

Jul 6, 2011

Dear Readers and Supporters,

Just a brief note to update you on a few things many have asked about and some points of interest you might want to pray concerning.

As to my health, I will quote my wife when she’s asked about it, “It seems God gives him a blood transfusion each new day.” I can truly say that the scripture God gave me at the first to lay upon your hearts has come to pass, “For I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.” Please continue to remember me before the Mercy Seat.

My wife, Salle, is getting close to putting out her first book. I’ll keep you informed. I will no doubt follow pursuit as soon as she has completed hers, and has time to help me with mine.

Our 50th wedding anniversary is coming up October 14th, (along with our birthdays on the 5th and 15th). I’d like to do something special, but I just don’t know, with the economy being what it is. Pray God will give wisdom and direct me. It is hard to believe it has been fifty years for us, and even harder to realize that in two short years I’ll be eighty.

Salle will be flying to Louisiana later this month to be with our grandson, Timothy, and his wife, Lauren, who are expecting their first, a little girl, named Kiley Rae. It will be our fifth great-grandchild! I promised Salle she could be at the birth of each great-grandchild, if at all possible. Great-Grandmas like this, you know.

His and Your Debtor,

Brother Sandlin

Jul 5, 2011

David's Dilemma...Ours

“Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark; for the oxen stumbled...and there he died before God.” The ark was a symbol of the presence of God. It had been absent for over seventy-five years from the Divine sanctuary at Shiloh. Its rightful place was at Jerusalem in the center of the sanctuary. David knew if he could get God back in His rightful place the people would get their minds off their petty differences and divisions, and center their attention once again on the Lord.

The first attempt to bring the ark back is a good illustration of doing the right thing in the wrong way. David had not sought the mind of the Lord as at other times, and this always ends in tragedy. He knew how God had told Moses the ark was to be carried. Evidently, he had forgotten. The designated Levitical priests were to carry it on their shoulders. They were never to touch it, but carry it by the staves on the sides of the ark. Instead, they emulated the world, and carried it on a “new cart,” not following God’s pattern given on Sinai.

When the oxen stumbled, Uzza presumptuously put forth his hand to steady the ark, as though God’s throne needed steadying. His good intentions brought about his death. We can become overly familiar with God. When this happens, we get it in our heads that we can get away with things others can’t. Uzza may have thought he was a pet, but God used him as a pattern.

It’s never right to do wrong in order to get a chance to do right.
                                    (Dr. Bob Jones)

Jul 3, 2011

Heavenly Patriotism First

For some years now I have been concerned with what I would describe as the politicization of Christianity. I’m not speaking of employment with, but entanglement in the political process (2 Tim.2:4a). With some Christians and ministers, all they talk about, preach about, think about, or write about is politics. It can be found in segments of every major movement in Christianity.

I agree with C.S. Lewis when he writes, “If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were those who thought most of the next…all left their mark on earth precisely because their minds were occupied with Heaven. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this. Aim at Heaven and you will get earth ‘thrown in’: aim at earth and you will get neither…we shall never save civilization as long as civilization is our main object. We must learn to want something else even more.”

He goes on to say in another place, “He who converts his neighbor has performed the most practical Christian-political act of all.” To which I add my, Amen and Amen!

“The problem with the “Religious Right” is not their position, but their posture. They more readily stand than knell.” (R.D.S.)

Jul 2, 2011

Playing Church

“And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like? They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.”

As children have always done, these were “play acting,” no doubt emulating what they had seen when with their parents. While accompanying Mother and Father at festivities, as well as funerals, they would have observed both jubilation at the one and sorry at the other of these events. They now wanted their little friends to enter into the enactment of these performances with them, of which it seems some, refused to do.

As a pastor for many years, I was able to observe on occasions the children of our people “playing church” in the church after the main services. Some were quite good. They had it all down pat, the singing, offering, prayer, and the preaching, along with a hearty “Amen,” once in a while. The one main element missing was the Power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost does not anoint pretenders!

We are told in the gospels, “The power of the Spirit was present.” If this is not the case in your church and ministry, then you are “Like unto children sitting in the market place.”  Play your pretend games, if you will, that is your choice, but don’t get upset at those among us who refuse to “play act” with you.

“I never entered the pulpit when I did not think I’d die if God did not bless.” Bob Jones Sr.

Jun 30, 2011


Some words a standard dictionary associates with the word “touchiness” are: oversensitive, irritable, thin-skinned, peevish, flammable, difficult, hard. When we say one is touchy we mean that person is easy to take offence. This type of individual requires special tact or skill in handling them. Or as the little idiom goes, “You must walk on eggshells,” lest you upset or irritate this sort of problematic person.

My wife has a serious burn on her hand. Last evening I attempted to apply some aloe-vera to the wound, and when I did, she flinched, withdrawing her hand, adding, “Don’t touch it!” Is this not what we say to the Lord when He touches those touchy areas in our lives? Yet, when healing, we are told He touched a blind man’s eyes, and that He touched the tongue of one who could not speak, and still of another who had lost his ear, that He touched his ear.

If God is ever going to cure us of our touchiness, He must touch us there. As long as we withdraw and try to cover and protect that particular region, it will never be healed. It will always be a sore-spot. And woe be to the one who touches it, or even comes close. For he or she would rather go through life wearing a band-aide, rather than be cured of their hideous trait. And what’s worse, while this immature, insecure, adolescent goes through life, the rest have to spend their time pampering them. May God help us; may God help me!

Jun 29, 2011

The Enemy Within

As I was reading my devotions yesterday morning, it struck me that Jesus warned us to beware of the Pharisees and Sadducees. He didn’t caution His followers of the publicans and sinners, but rather to be on guard for the religious crowd. One thing that can be said about a sinner is “what you see is what you get.” This is not so in professing Christendom. Many times we find wolves parading themselves as God’s sheep. They look good on the outside, but these “white-washed tombs” are full of dead men’s bones.

How many Christians with means have been taken in by one of these religious charlatans? Good and godly young ladies, in their innocence, have been seduced by one of these black hearts who wear a white vest. Scores of young preacher boys have lost their faith in the midst of a Bible School, under the tutelage of one of these deceiving devils. And only God knows the number of His people that are sitting under religious externalists every Sunday, listening to a man emphasize the importance of the husk, while refusing to recognize the value of the inner kernel. Paul preached, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

You can always spot the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees: their one main concern is how others see you, while never troubling themselves to inform God’s people that the important thing is how God sees them.

“Therefore it is of no great thing if his [Satan’s] ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness.”

Jun 26, 2011

*The Rule of Life

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” Some say since this is part of the Sermon on the Mount, it is addressed to Jews only, but I believe many say this, not because of what they believe but the because of the way they live. God’s standard for Christians today under Grace is no less than it was for Israel of old under Law.

You cannot implement this truth into society by legislation or education. Only by regeneration can one fulfill it. The natural man loves to praise the “Golden Rule,” but he’s inept in practicing it. The Golden Rule is not the Gospel; it’s the fruit of the Gospel. If God’s people lived by this rule, we could do away with our man-made rules.

You can take this rule negatively or positively. It always comes out the same. If we would simply put others on the same level as we ourselves, and treat them as we would be treated, it would make for a different world in the home, church, workplace, and school.

Christ came not only to teach us, but to show us. We will never see others aright until we first see God aright. Until our relationship with God is what it ought to be, our relationship with our neighbor will be lacking. We must see humanity through the eyes of God.

When a Christian lives by the “Golden Rule,” he or she becomes a person of worth.

Jun 25, 2011

But Do You Know It?

While texting with my older daughter, Leah, recently, I reminded her of a Spiritual truth. Her reply was, “I know dat,” quoting her granddaughter (and my great-granddaughter) Ava, who is two.
What we generally mean by the statement, “I know that,” is that we are familiar with it. But do we really know it? As an old preacher used to tell his son, “Know a thing and know you know it.”

There is a double knowledge both in the Word and in life. The first has to do with head knowledge, the second with heart knowledge. Until the former sinks into the latter, we’ll never know that we know.

Lest any think I’m speaking in riddles, John, in his first epistle says, “And hereby we do know that we know…” John did not think it was good enough knowing a thing; he believed you should know you know.

A man, who knows there is a sink-hole on the route he daily travels, yet continually gets stuck in it, doesn’t know anything.


By An Old Disciple On the Person of JESUS CHRIST "He is...a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief...Surely He hath borne our griefs...