Mar 5, 2011

*Satisfaction in Sanctification

One should never be satisfied with his or her Christian life. We sometimes hear professing Christians say, “I’m satisfied with my life the way it is.” Whenever you hear such a statement, mark it down, you are listening to a spiritual pigmy. Most certainly, we should always be satisfied with Christ, but never ourselves.

There is both positional and practical sanctification. As to the former, in Gods eyes, it’s a done deal. But the latter is an on-going, day to day process. David mentioned the time when he would have complete satisfaction with his personal sanctification. He penned in the Psalms, “I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.”

A.W. Tozer wrote, “If we feel that we are what we ought to be, then we will remain what we are. We will not look for any change or improvement in our lives. This will quite naturally lead us to judge everyone by what we are.”

Such small minded, miniature saints, invariably end up thinking God is altogether such a one as themselves (Psl.50:21). It is this sort that makes a mental god after their own likeness; that is, with the exception of the strings. For theirs is a puppet god!

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