Apr 27, 2011

The First Ways of David

“And the LORD was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David.” The Chronicler seems to be admitting that the latter ways of David were less than exemplary. It can be said of many a good man and woman that their first ways were their best ways, their first love was their best love, and that their first works were their best works. It ought not to be that way, but sad to say, the lives of scores of Christians bear testimony to this frightening truth. It should be, “The best is yet to come.” But I’m sorry to say, numerous saints, referring to the rest of the time they have here on earth admit, “The best has already past.”

The wise man said, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning.” Jesus taught this principle when turning the water into wine. The ruler of the feast said of Him, “Thou hast kept the good wine (cheer) until now.” That is, He kept the best to last. In life, it’s the latter things that seem to be held in remembrance. The last scene of a movie, the end of a book, the last five minutes of a ball game, the conclusion of a sermon, and yes, the end of one’s life on earth. Demas started right but ended wrong; on the other hand, John Mark started out wrong, but ended right. It is generally accepted that outlook has a lot to do with outcome. Therefore, the way one looks at things could determine the way he or she end his or her life.

“I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.”

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