May 26, 2011

Physicians with Colds

The demands some put upon their ministers, mentors, and those attempting to help them, such as pastors, parents and friends, is both unfair and unkind. Such high expectations are unrealistic as well as unreasonable. The proverb going around in Jesus’ day, “Physician heal thyself,” is part of the record of inspired truth; but the saying is not necessarily true. For example, it’s true the devil said certain things, but that doesn’t make the things he said true.

The fact of the matter is, physicians get sick and can’t heal themselves, but this does not take away from the fact they can still cure others. I’m sure Peter, James, John, and Paul would love to have had some undesirable, inherent weakness cured in their lives, but that did not stop them from offering their expertise to others. Nor did it hinder those who were wise from asking for it.

Let’s not keep a cancer specialist from helping us, simply because he can’t get rid of his cold. When in dire need, we are in no position to make trivial demands. In such situations, we might remind ourselves, “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

 “He saved others; himself he cannot save”   (Matt.27:42)

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