Mar 21, 2013

Bowing to Our Books

Evangelist D.L. Moody, commenting on marking your Bible said, “It can be a helpful thing, provided one doesn’t become a slave to it.” Because of the makeup of my temperament, I was a servant to my markings for years. Bold lettering, notes in the margin, and different highlighted colors characterized my Bibles. Many years ago, my youngest daughter Charity, while leafing through my Bible said, “Man, this looks like a coloring book.” By her statement you can see how bad it had gotten.

I find this type of slavishness is also true in the reading of books. As long as the Bible remains the Monarch of all other books, fine. But when you are more interested in what someone else has to say, over God, you have a big problem. If one is blessed more by his or her books, rather than “The Book,” it is time for him or her to take inventory of their spiritual life. The writings of others, no matter how godly, are at best, fillers. The Bible is always the exclusive Book. Paul’s reference to the two groups when writing to Timothy proves this, “...when thou comest, bring [with thee]...the books, [but] especially the parchments.”

Let us not unconsciously become the servant of men, remembering it is possible to make the Word of God to none effect by their traditions. The Word of God is to be the first and last Book we go to for our final authority. I love my books, but need to constantly remind myself, there is only “One Book” on this earth that will never pass away.

“How sweet are thy words unto my taste! [yea, sweeter] than honey to my mouth!”

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