Sep 13, 2014

The Indelible Commandmernt

The written Ten Commandments were distinctively given to the nation Israel, under a theocratic form of government. God chose this people, not to be a pet, but a pattern for all nations and peoples to follow. Because of Israel’s habitual refusal to conform to God’s statutes, they were scattered among the very nations they were to influence with Jehovah’s moral laws.

After their dispersion, to their amazement, I’m sure (and ours), they found God had long before, written His laws on the internal, fleshly tables of man’s heart. Yes, way before He wrote them to Israel on external tables of stone. No matter where they went, they found hints of their own laws among the pagans.

Mankind can attempt to rid himself of the Ten Commandments, but he will never be able to erase them from his heart. They may be removed from the schoolroom, judicial system, and all of society; but you’ll never remove them from the ark of the heart. They are indelibly written there, from birth to death.

When Paul was shipwrecked on the island of Melita, because of the rains and the cold, he was gathering sticks for a fire. While doing so, a venomous viper bit him, which he shook off into the fire. Upon observing this, the heathen islanders said, “No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.” This certainly shows, “...the work of the law written in their hearts.” We must conclude, then, the only way to get rid of God’s commandments is to cut out one’s own heart.

The Law by which God rules us, is as dear to Him as the Gospel by which He saves us. (Puritan Saying)

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