Nov 15, 2014

No Ones Perfect

"I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad." Anyone in the least familiar with the temperaments would place David under the melancholy category. And by doing so would automatically place him in the perfectionist group of individuals. As you can see from our text, God's "darling" had come to the place to see the end result of all perfection, and concluded the Lord gives us a lot of elbow room, so to speak, in His demands. Deity never forgets our humanity.

Perfectionists can be a very unhappy people, as well as make those around them miserable, if they do not possess the strength of character to face and admit to the fact, "No one is perfect." True, some confess to it but not in sincerity, for you can see the pride peeking through their self-righteous garments. On the other hand the imperfect who constantly give testimony to the fact of their shortcomings, often flaunt the fact to excuse their apathetic lives. Human frailty is no excuse for sin.

Those who feel they're a notch above others in their impeccableness are in great danger of not feeling the need of betterment. Being satisfied with the status quo. And on the other hand, those who care little for keeping all their ducks in a row should at lest make a worthy attempt of lining them up. Accepting one another, whether it be a perfectionist or one to the contrary, would go a long way in solving problems. There is no disgrace in being human, nor should there be in attempting to produce to perfection.

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