Apr 7, 2015

Jesus, Lover of My Soul

In H.A. Ironside's little book on Song of Solomon, he presents a most blessed and precious devotional teaching to this misunderstood book. He shows that the bride's shepherd lover is secretly her king, in disguise. When brought into the royal banqueting hall to be married to the king, with amazement, she finds her lover was her king all the time; they were one in the same. For the Spiritually minded I need not expound or apply this truth any further. Your heart is already leaping, I'm sure.

In my devotional time, when possible, I like to go through a book at one sitting. That way I get a hold on the book's overall teaching; but whats even more important, it gets a hold of me. Recently, as I was listening to this book being read by the golden-voiced Alexander Scourby, I was impressed with one great truth. No matter one's interpretation, there is one overriding fact, above all else. These two lovers could talk of nothing else other than each other; they were hopelessly and helplessly in love. Whenever a friend or acquaintance of one met the other for the first time, I'm sure they said, "So glad to meet you, I've heard so much about you!" 

In Job chapter twenty-six, he describes some of the mighty workings of God and ends by saying, "but how little a portion is heard of him? Some years ago a young church pianist asked what my favorite gospel song was, that he might play it that night during our revival meeting. My answer was, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." His answer, "O, I don't think I've ever heard that one." Enough said.  

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