Jul 24, 2015

Man's Chief End (part two)

"Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him for ever," so it is written in the Westminster Shorter Catechism of 1647. In a previous article we wrote on the glorifying of God in our lives; in todays writing I want to deal with the latter remark, enjoying God forever. There is no possibility of one experiencing this second blessing, of enjoying God, who has not fulfilled the previous act of glorifying God in their everyday life. It seems to me that many today have as their chief end, not the enjoyment of God, but rather their own lusts.

"Enjoying spiritual communion with God is a riddle and mystery to most people. Everyone who hangs about the court, does not speak with the king," so pens Thomas Watson. The enjoying of the pleasures of this world, without the enjoyment of God, is like drinking from a golden chalice with no wine ("that cheereth both the heart of man and God") within it. They have full coffers but empty lives. When the earlier and latter rains come from heaven, they are but dust (Deut. 28:24). 

How anyone can think or say he or she will enjoy God in heaven for eternity who do not enjoy Him in their daily lives now, is way above, as they say, my pay-grade in understanding. It is a great day indeed when we prodigals, who have spent our all on this world, return to our Father to enjoy Him, and Him alone. 

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