Aug 17, 2015

The Judgement Seat of Christ

When I was younger, I could tell you all about God's judgement of His children. But now that I'm an old disciple, and had the air let out of my balloon more times than I 'd like to admit, I'm not so sure on all the particulars. One thing I do firmly believe is that motive will play a great part in this awesome time of our accounting to the Lord. 

God's smile will not go exclusively to those who accomplished much for His Kingdom, but also those of us who would have but could not, (because of God's plan for our lives). You see, God knows what we would have done if we could have done it! Intent plays a  major part in God's judgement of a person!

An example of this is David. He wanted to build the Temple for God, but because he was a man of war, it was given to his son Solomon, a man of peace. Yet God told David, "Forasmuch as it was in thine heart to build an house for my name, thou didst well in that it was in thine heart (motive)."

Had I my own way, I would have lived and died in China as a missionary. I've prayed for that people regularly for 56 long years. I like to think, at the judgement bar, God will summon some people around me, and just maybe, with a little squint to their eyes and a smile on their faces, they will say, "Thank you brother!" 

Or possibly in their tongue, 谢谢哥哥. No matter, one way or the other, IT WILL HAVE BEEN WORTH IT ALL!

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