Sep 27, 2015

Martha and Mary's Mistake-Ours

"Martha [said] unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died...Then...Mary...[said]... Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died."

Commentators are divided on the meaning of these two saintly sisters words; some say it was showing a confidence, others complaining. I believe it could have been a little of each, a display of faith and frailty. It may have been like the father's case, who cried out, "Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief." One thing is for sure, they evidently had forgotten Jesus' presence is not necessary in tough times; He can take care of difficult things from a distance!

Notice, Martha and Mary said the same things to Jesus, because like us, no doubt, they had often discussed it among themselves. Their stupored minds, again like our own, did not yet understand His delays are not denials. When He doesn't immediately give us the best, it's because He is going to eventually give us the better of the best! In the sisters' case, a miracle. What they thought was their loss was, in reality, their gain. It worked for their good, but more importantly, for God and His Son's glory, "This sickness is...for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby,said the Lord Jesus.

The important lesson I personally learned from this is to seek the glory of God first, in any and all situations, and to leave everything else to Him. 


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