Jan 15, 2016

It's All In How You Look At It

After returning from spying out the land, the negative report of ten of the spies was, “We are not able…” But there were two dissenting voices that expressed optimism, “We are more than able…” say courageous Caleb and Joshua. The marked difference between the two companies was whom each were looking at. The former saw “Giants,” whereas the latter saw “God.”

No child of God, in the will of God, needs ever to look at the dark side of life. That is, as long as Romans 8:28 is in the Bible. The worldling sees the cup half empty, but God’s elect sees it as half full. It’s all in how you look at it. As the little poem goes, “Two women behind prison bars, one saw mud, the other saw stars.”

I for one do not want to go through life associated with the Timorous Ten, but with the Trustful Two!

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