Apr 25, 2016

Asking Too Much

“Such as I have give I thee.” Would to God some of today’s Christians could get hold of this great truth. Peter may have lacked in some things, but common sense was not one of them. A person cannot give what they do not have. If they do, there is reason to suspect it was ill gotten. You can’t get a quart of milk out of a pint bottle.

I’ve been guilty in the past of saying, “God wants 110% of our lives.” Such little clichés may be inspirational, but they are not scriptural. Each of us can give 100%, but even with this statement it must be qualified. It needs to be realized, when I give my best, it may not be as good as another who excels me in capacity. But God accepts both as the same. It has been, and always will be, in His sight, “…according to our ability.”

Don’t let Satan or anyone else push you beyond your God given limitations. Let us not be guilty of asking, or expecting, of a person more than they have. Even the Lord doesn’t do that! As A.W. Tozer says, “God is easy to live with.” And so should we be.

Remember, along with our God given abilities, there is God given limitations.

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