Apr 28, 2016

The Unsavoury God

“...thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury.”

Job tells us something unsavory is tasteless. Have you ever wondered why some among us no longer have a taste for God? Men, women, and young people who once hungered for Him? The reason is they no longer possess their spiritual taste-buds. He is like the white of an egg to them. He has become bland (flavorless) in their lives.

Darling David challenges us, “O taste and see that the LORD is good.” Sample taste, if you please. But this is not so with those who have gone back and are now feeding upon the world's “leeks and garlic.” They could taste all day and never savor the sweetness of God. When God’s people of old were right with Him, the manna tasted like honey; but as oil to those of the mixed multitude.

Beloved, do you still hunger for God, and even more so, than you did in years past? When Jesus said, “He that cometh to me shall never hunger,” it only means after a different kind. A.W. Tozer sold peanuts on a train when a young man. He said he would start out giving away a few free ones to each passenger. Later as he went through the cars selling them, he said he’d sell out. They wanted more of the same sort.

Maybe the reason many professing Christians hunger after another kind is because they are members of the “mixed multitude,” who were never part of God’s elect. They always had the taste of Egypt in their mouths.

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