Jun 25, 2016

Sticking to the Script

Scripted Saints

“Therefore David enquired again of God; and God said unto him, Go not up after them; turn away from them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees.”

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” There's absolutely no evidence that Einstein actually made this statement; but it's still a great quote! If this saying is true it is imperative, as sane saints, we reject any and all forms of  scripted living.

I personally believe the average Christian church, family, and individual, live scripted lives, consciously or unconsciously. It is the same-o, same-o, Sunday after Sunday, day after day. Most certainly, life is regimented, but to stay in step 24/7 will drive one wacky. At least it would me.

When our church services and lives become predictable, they become pitiful. When David was fighting the Philistines, God told him to go up a different way. Many, I find, have a problem doing things a different way. We refuse to go “ off script.” To adhere to a man-made script is to lose the liberty of the Spirit.   

While Peter was preaching in Cornelius’ house, the Holy Ghost fell upon them and interrupted the services and his preaching. When this happens, it is a wise saint who shuts everything down and gets out of the way, not ignore it and go on with business as usual as we are so prone to do.

The sanity of the saints depends on, “Times of refreshing... from the presence of the Lord.”

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