Apr 19, 2017

Christ, Historically and Heavenly Viewed

I realize I have written much on the following subject, but as Peter said to his readers, “Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.”

Every modernistic theologian, as well as the secular world, along with cults and isms, makes much ado about the historic Christ, as found in the gospels. When attempting to prove their point they’re noticeably consistent in avoiding the Pauline epistles, which puts the emphasis on the heavenly Christ. True, you cannot have one without the other, for each necessitates the other.  But just as true is progressive revelation. The new is enfolded in the old, but the old is unfolded in the new.

Now we can understand Paul’s statement, “though we have known Christ after the flesh (historically), yet now henceforth know we [Him] no more.” It is no longer the historic Christ, as important as this might be, but the heavenly Christ we are to give our attention to. As long as Christians worship a babe, they themselves will remain one. The days of His flesh are ended (Heb.5:7). Or as my pastor friend in Canada brought to my attention, we must get past the veil of His flesh, if we are to find and know God.

It is in Paul’s writings alone we learn the truths pertinent to how we, in this church age, are to live. Paul’s revelation is what Jesus wanted to say while here on earth but couldn’t. He told His disciples they were not ready, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.”

Therefore, let me challenge each saint, not to be remiss in reading Paul’s letters. Read and re-read them often. They were written particularly with you in mind! GENTILES!  

All the Bible is for us, but not all of it is to us, or about us.

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