Apr 23, 2010

Lasting Relationships

“The Lord be between thee and me for ever.” These words were spoken to David by his good and dear friend, Jonathan. Never was there a human relationship stronger than that of these two inseparable friends. A relationship in which, we are told, “The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David.” It lasted up to the grave and even beyond. This bond was pure, honorable, and godly, linked together by a Man in-between, holding each of their hands.

Contrary to popular opinion, lasting relationships are not held together by: things you have in common; your children; deep feelings; physical attraction; or mutual affirmation (You pat my back, and I’ll pat yours). An enduring union is, if you’ll pardon the expression, glued, mortared, and yes, cemented together, by Jesus Christ. If He joins two spouses, friends, or associates, no one can unknot the tie. Unless, of course, one of the partners grows weary of the MAN-in-the-middle. This Blessed go-between keeps relationships sweet. He works out all differences, while still keeping the duet on key and in harmony.

If one or both in a relationship do not want Jesus Christ to have pre-eminence, then there can never be a lasting relationship!

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