Apr 12, 2010

Simple, Not Simpleton

“…the simplicity that is in Christ." One of Webster's definitions for simplicity is: "freedom from complexity." The apostle is not advocating Christ's followers be simpletons, but rather to keep their lives uncomplicated. I know many people who complicate the simple. It goes without saying, that these many create many unnecessary problems for themselves.

Studying the life of Christ or that of the early Church, the one thing that stands out above all else is the utter simplicity that governed their lives. Whether it was in their praying, preaching, witnessing, giving, or church services, it was simple. There was nothing complicated about them. I used to tell my staff, "Plan it big, but keep it simple." In our complicated world today, it is wise for all of us to come back to the "simplicity that is in Christ."

“Simplicity is life's most becoming garb.” Bob Jones, Sr.

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