Apr 26, 2010

Sheep and Giraffe's

Oswald Chambers writes, “Beware of posing as a profound person; God became a Baby.” In this pseudo-intellectual philosophical, and supposedly enlightened age, it is not difficult to pass one’s self off as being a deep person. Especially impressed are those who have voluntarily chosen to unashamedly adorn a “Dunce’s Cap.” They ignorantly and mistakenly interpret shallow muddy waters as being deep.

Any seven or eight year old child, brought up in a Christian home, can understand the Sermon on the Mount, which was spoken by the ONE who possessed the greatest mind that ever graced this earth. One of the impressive characteristics of this MAN, who was the incarnation of eternal knowledge, was His “Intellectual Simplicity.” He was more concerned with instilling truth in His hearers, than impressing them with it.

Dr. Bob Jones Sr. used to say, “Simplicity is life’s most becoming garb.” Paul feared the intellectual Corinthians would lose sight of the, “simplicity that is in Christ.” Sublime simplicity, that was our Lord! It takes real humility for a great mind to “put the cookies on the bottom shelf,” so to speak. This way, those that are of lesser intellectual stature can enjoy and digest what the great minds feed on. At a zoo, I once saw the giraffes and sheep feed together. The fodder was kept low for the sheep, and all the giraffe had to do was bow his proud neck.

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