Feb 15, 2011

*Looking Out For The Other Guy

Our pastor told a cute story about an accident that took place in a lady’s yard. Recounting it to her neighbor she said, “It was awful; the car hit a tree, totaling it. The man was seriously hurt, and blood was all over the place.” Her neighbor asked her what she did, to which she replied, “Well, immediately my Red Cross training kicked-in. I put my head between my knees so I wouldn’t pass out.”

We laugh, but there’s more truth than fiction in this story. When it’s a question of ours, or someone else’s welfare, most of us choose the former. Like Jacob of old, we’ll let others take the brunt of things, while we safely bring up the rear. How unlike the Lord many of us are. He stood at the forefront and said, “…let these go their way.” Others profited at His expense. He was willing to spend and be spent for them.

The Psalmist tells us that a godly person, “…sweareth to his own hurt.” We need never fear in life; God will always be there to cover our back. There is something far better than self-preservation; it’s called Divine-preservation. “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.” Let’s take care of others; God will take care of us!

"Me, Me, Me." Is not on God's musical scale."

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