Jul 16, 2014

I Don't See It That Way

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see..." I do no injustice by not finishing our text, for its truth runs from Genesis to Revelation. Every man born of a woman is born spiritually blind. It is not that he will not see; he cannot see. He was born with his spiritual eyes wide shut, so to speak. Jesus taught, man has two sets of eyes, physical and spiritual, "The seeing, see not," He tell us. They see but they don't see.

We hear much today about having a spiritual relationship with God, while little or nothing is said about the new birth. It seems the latter has been dropped from the Christian's vocabulary. But it is impossible to have the first of these without experiencing the second. Nothing is more pathetic or pitiful than watching professing Christians grope their way along at noonday as blind men and women, while all along thinking they see clearly and are part of the Kingdom of God.

The infamous statement by these counterfeit professors, "I don't see it that way," is proof positive they've never experienced the touch of Christ, along with His glorious words, "Receive thy sight." Strange, is it not? those saintly primitive Christians could see it; the Spirit-filled  Church Fathers could see it; our godly grandparents and parents could see it; but these carnal, worldly, pseudo-Christians just don't see it the way the rest of us do. A second birth would give them second sight. Then they would  see clearly!

Jesus said, What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight."

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