Jul 12, 2014

Canes, Crutches, and Other Things

All of us stumble and fall from time to time, no matter how careful we may be. Most of these times we simply dust ourselves off and continue on. But if it is a bad sprained ankle, or even worse, a broken leg, then we must use certain means to maneuver. These helps manifest themselves either in things or people.

And so it is in the Christian life. The best of us can, and do, fall. David tells us a good man following the Lord can fall. And his son, Solomon, says, a just man can fall numerous times. As in the physical realm, some spiritual falls are more severe than others. At such times it is necessary to use the means God provides, so that we can still get around till we are mended. These canes, crutches, and other things come in different forms, shapes, and sizes, but all are meant to sustain us until we’re back on our feet.

There is always a twofold danger during these crisis times. The first is not to accept any help at all, thinking we can still make it on our own, in spite of the handicap we have incurred. This is spiritual pride. The second pitfall is depending on that thing or person indefinitely. This is spiritual presumption. Gods order is, to use your “walkin’ stick” till your strengthened, then to discard it with respect and thanksgiving. After that, you’re to walk on your own. And don’t forget, up the road the Lord may use you as a temporary crutch to help some limping pilgrim along life’s way.

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