Feb 18, 2015

Extravagance Commended

The definition of the word extravagant is: “going beyond reasonable limits; excessive.” The disciples criticized Mary for the extravagance she showered on Christ, but our Lord commended her. Nothing is ever wasted that is done for Him. Mary didn't hold back her best; she gave one hundred percent. She kept nothing in reserve. Christ was going to give His all for her, and she felt she could do no less for Him. Mary was not commanded to give her all; she was constrained by her love for him to do so. 

One never has to be concerned with going to extremes when it has to do with Jesus Christ. You can never give too much praise, worship, adoration, and service to Him. We will always come miserably short. I am cautious with saints who are cautious about giving their all to Christ.

The transaction is not complicated; it’s childlike. It is simple and marvelous. It’s staking your all on Jesus Christ and His Word. It is risking everything on God. Or, as Oswald Chambers wrote, “Bank all your faith in Christ, and damn the consequences!”

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