Feb 3, 2015

In Defense of the OldTestament

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." This one statement should forever dispel the notion the Old Testament has no relevance for us today. Jesus authenticates it by the fact there were no other scriptures than the Old Testament when He uttered these words. 

Paul tells us the Old Testament was: "for our learning; our ensample; our example; for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." He goes on to say, referring to the Old, for that's all he had at the time, that they were "the Sword of the Spirit", and by hearing them is how faith came to the early Believers. Also, when he spoke of "the comfort of the scriptures", the reference was to the Old Testament. 

To quote my minister son, Andrew, "All the Bible for all of life." I say, to take away the one is to rob God's children of the other. You give them only half a loaf of bread when our Father intended us to have a full loaf. As David gave to each of his followers, "one loaf of bread," so God gives to His followers.

We used to sing a little chorus, "Every Promise in the Book is Mine": I still sing, as well as believe it! New Testament Believers, throughout, appropriated Old Testament promises. IT IS ALL THEY HAD! 

Jesus "opened the scriptures," (in reference to the Old Testament), let's not be guilty in closing them.  

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