Feb 8, 2015

The Inconsistencies of Life

I think most if not all youth, when becoming conscious of life and living, are idealists. We are all, for the most part, dreamers during our early stages; fantasizing occupies a large part of a youngsters thinking. Both the young lad and young lassie pretty-well have their whole life planned out. This unrealistic, starry-eyed romanticizing is expected and accepted in children. But as Paul says, "When I became a man (mature), I put away childish things." 

Early in life, one finds that keeping all your ducks in a row is not only improbable, but impossible. Yet in spite of this, many enter adulthood refusing to accept the fact life is inconsistent, full of ups and downs. It can be like a roller coaster ride, at times. God early on, intentionally it seems, upsets our apple carts that we may learn this important lesson. Read the life of David in the Psalms to see the inconsistencies of life. Remember, it's David's autobiography; and for our learning. 

We need to be careful we do not carry our child-hood dreaming into our Christian life. All our plans are to be given up at conversion for His. If not, then we are in for a frustrating and tormented life, always seeing our hopes, plans, and wishes vanish like a morning cloud which goeth away. In Job we read, "When I looked for good, then evil came unto me: and when I waited for light, there came darkness." This is not being pessimistic, but realistic. 

The Spiritually mature know how to roll with the punches, so to speak. They know all the sand castles they've concocted will dissolve with the first big wave of adversity! Therefore, they have given up their plans for HIS plan.

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