Jun 22, 2015

Close Enough to Hear

The late Harry A. Ironside, pastor of Moody Church, tells the following story. It seems he needed a specific amount of money by the next day. He said the Lord had given confidence to claim and expect the exact amount for the succeeding day. And sure enough, it arrived by mail right on time. But, he thought, wouldn’t it have arrived anyway, had I not prayed? For the letter had been post marked three days previous. True, the Lord seemed to say, but isn’t it nice to be conscious of the fact you’re close enough to me to know what I’m about to do?

As Samuel of old, I believe God still speaks in the ear of His obedient ones, concerning things He already has in play (1 Sam. 9:15). I don’t want to be in hollering distance; I want to ever be within whispering distance (1 Kgs. 19:12). I long for my relationship with God to be up close and personal. I’d like for Him to say of me what He said of Abraham, “And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?” You might remember, when the disciples wanted to know what was going on, they asked the one leaning on Jesus’ bosom, the one near to the heart of God!

Addendum: As most of our readers know, humanly speaking, we live on a very limited income. Yesterday, before leaving for church (an hour away) I checked my wallet to make sure I had gas and lunch money. I had $120. The Lord impressed on my heart to put all in the offering when it passed. The same burden was there at church. So I obeyed. I whispered to my wife what I had done. I told her to watch and see what the Lord was going to do in the next couple of days. Today, Monday, a dear friend wrote that he had come into some extra cash and wanted to share it with us. It was nearly three times the amount I had put into the offering. Is Luke 6:38 true or what!

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