Jun 17, 2015

An Old Man's Advice

If I could give advice to any preacher, teacher, writer, or witness; along with Christians in general, it would be, “Make much of Jesus.” Make much of Him in all your sermons, songs, testimonies, and praying, as well as your writings (books or letters). I have had to ask God time and again to forgive me for failing to do so.

 As a young believer, I went through Paul’s epistles marking in red all references to Christ. Afterward, I had to buy a new Bible, for the pages I had marked looked as if someone had sprinkled them with fresh blood. Again, read Revelation. No matter how it’s interpreted, there is one thing all will agree upon; Jesus Christ is central. God, angels, beasts, and saints, all without exception, make over Him as none other creature has ever been lauded.

 We write, preach, and discuss such things as the Anti-Christ , the  King James Bible (not King Jesus), election, politics, the deeper life, soul winning, the Church, and a host of others things. But these are not to have the prominent place. Have we not yet learned it is not our “pet doctrines” that impress God? IT IS HIS AND HEAVEN’S “PET” that is to get all the attention. Everyone and everything, no matter how precious or important, is to always line up behind Jesus! The universe, and all that is in it, is to play “second fiddle,” to Jesus Christ.

 “Lord Jesus, Glorify thyself, and do it at my expense. Send me the bill, I’ll pay the price.”  (A.W. Tozer’s prayer)

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