Jul 6, 2016

A Lesson On Boiling Water

Just Forget It

“A watched pot never boils.” Ask any of us impatient men, and we will attest to this little cliché. How many times have I put the kettle on to boil water for a cup of coffee, and it seemed it was going to be the next day before it bubbled? On the other hand, a woman puts a pot on the burner, goes about other business, and, presto! the water is boiling.

So what is the cause of the male’s downfall? Simple. We spend our time standing around watching and waiting for results, while the ladies don’t worry about it. They busy themselves doing other things, while the process is going on. What seems like eternity to us doesn’t even flutter them.

And so it is in the spiritual life. Those who do nothing but stand around checking their spiritual growth will find that’s the sure way to stunt growth. The best way to grow is to forget it. Don’t lose any sleep over it (Mk.4:26-28). Get busy about other things and people, and it will surprise you how fast you will sprout up. Unconscious growth is the best kind.

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