Jul 9, 2016

The Courthouse Drama

Faith On Trial

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Biblical faith has never won in the world’s court of popular opinion. Can you imagine, when questioned, the answer the judge and jury  would hear from the witness? That is, to its basic substance and evidential proof? Remember, it is a judicial system whose philosophy is seeing is believing.  You know, “Come down [now] from the cross, and we will believe.”

“Well sir,” says the confident witness, “My substance is hope.” When asked to define what this hope entails, there is snickering in the courtroom; then all-out laughter when the answer is given. “My hope is not seen...as yet! For hope that is seen is not hope.” “Concerning my evidence, it too is not seen...yet” This time, uncontrolled pandemonium breaks out.

A foolish faith says the world. Yes. But the WORD says, one that pleases God. Paul, that little man with a giant of a soul within, tells us, “He walked by faith, and not by sight.”  In contrast, Thomas said, “Except I shall see...I will not believe.“ Oswald Sanders writes, “A faith that does not walk may soon become too weak to stand.” Blind faith eventually sees. Ask Paul (Acts 9).

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