Jul 22, 2016

Humanities Great Hatred

The World's Hatred of God and His Son
“...now have they...hated both me and my Father”
(John 15:24)

God loved the world and gave His only Son for it; this world in return hates God and rejects His Beloved Son. As they go their merry way thinking of this as being only a trifle in life, they do not realize the horribleness that awaits them at the end of walking the broad way. The old song, The Great Judgement Morning, that has been muted in most pulpits today, gives a miniature picture of what awaits them.

And, oh, what a weeping and wailing,
As the lost were told of their fate;
They cried for the rocks and the mountains,
They prayed, but their prayer was too late.”

Read Psalm two if you want to see the fundamental cause for the creature turning on his or her Creator. It has to do with rule and restraint. No Sovereign Monarch, even if Divine, has the right to tie them down in any area of their lives, say they. If He attempts to, they will simply snap the cords as Samson of old, did his. What is an intolerable yoke for the world's rebels, is an easy yoke for God’s submissive children!

Both the leaders and people of this insurgency have only one choice and chance for pardon, to lay down your arms, and as the custom of conquered foes of old, to kiss the hand (in this case nail-scarred) of the KING. If not, you can be sure God will get the last laugh. (Prov.1)

A warning to professed Christians. If you’re running with this God-hating world; you’re running with the wrong herd.

“Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

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