Jul 10, 2016

The Same Cloth

Folks Like Us

We also are men of like passions with you”
“Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are”

Neither Barnabas, Saul, or Elias would allow anyone to think of them as any different from the common man. Nor would any other Spirit-Filled saint found in the Holy Scriptures. They knew they were cut from the same piece of soiled cloth as any other man or woman. Most certainly, they were well aware they belonged to God, but just as conscious they were human; thus living within the boundaries of humanity.

Life comes with its downs and ups (we always end right-side- up), as David reminds us. It comes equipped with its valleys as well as its mountains. Bible Christians were not always on a spiritual high. I like the way one writer puts it, “They did not attempt to use God as a giant tranquilizer to obliterate their difficulties. Neither did they scoff at nor condemn as ‘unspiritual’ those who were hurting.”

You can hide your head in the sand, so to speak, refusing to acknowledge your brethren who are presently having a tough time of it. But know this, at some point in this life, every saint will experience Ecc.2:14, if you please, “walking the floor of hell.” It’s good to remember at such times the three Hebrew children. While walking in the fire they discovered the “Fourth MAN.” You can read of Him in Revelation chapter one.

“And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace.”

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