Apr 2, 2008

Chained or Changed

The wise man tells us it is not wise to say the former days were better. Even if we could go back, in order to forget present unpleasantries, we’d also have to forfeit the nice things we have experienced. And anyway, who wants to start over in the first grade? To begin again from where you are is the thing to do. Or, as the Hebrew writer says, “Let us go on…”— not back. The way it was is not as good as the way it can or will be.

Like it or not, we all change, whether for better or worse. I’ve observed that those who live pulling the scab off a painful past only get worse and worse. And those who relive the “good old days” are destined to miss the glorious days that lie ahead. Yesterdays can be a ball and chain that holds us back today.

To hear someone say of another that he or she is the same, and that they never change, is not a compliment, unless it refers to their principles. Only God doesn’t change; you cannot improve on perfection. But we still need a lot of work. We’re on the assembly line all our lives. It is at the end of it we get the perfect product.

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