Jul 7, 2008

Both Mind and Heart

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and the cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive." There is a little saying in the acting profession that can truly be applied to the life of a Christian. It goes something like this: "Have the heart of a child but the head of an adult." As most of you who are familiar with my ministry know, it emphasizes a heart religion. But, certainly, not at the expense of your intellect. It seems today we must choose one or the other. It's either cold, factual, doctrinal truth, or heartwarming "ditties" that have no Scriptural foundation. Why can't we let a calculating mind sink into, and become part of, a compassionate heart, finding completeness with this mixture?

Beware of any person or situation that plays upon the heart, without any basic, logical reasoning. A good illustration of this today is seen in Christian enterprises that are attempting to get support for their "man-made" ministries. We have become a generation of believers who are spiritual robots, who allow others to control our actions, while we refuse to use our sanctified minds that God has equipped us with. P.T. Barnum is reported to have said, "There's a sucker born every minute," and I'm afraid this is often true in the Christian community, as well.

Let's put an end to our incessant impulsiveness, and start taking time to think things through. Check out your preacher and what he says; listen intently when in fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, and weigh in your mind what is being said; spend some time "chewing the cud," so to speak, after reading a book, before you digest it, and letting it become a part of you; and beware when someone attempts to get you to make quick decisions without thinking it through. Almost every Christian I know of, whose life is a wreck today, can trace it back to a tragic failure to reason and think

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