Mar 17, 2009

Lame Excuses

I once heard an old evangelist preach a message from Luke chapter fourteen on, “Two morons and a henpecked husband.” He said anyone who would buy a piece of land without seeing it, or a person who bought five yoke of oxen before proving them, would have to be moron. And to refuse eating with a king because of your wife…well, the only word to describe him is henpecked.

Many today are like these three men who, “…all with one consent began to make excuse.” Are not our reasons for not dining with Deity just as flimsy? Be careful, lame excuses will leave you without a leg to stand on. We need to face ourselves. It is not, “I cannot,” but rather, “I will not.” Billy Sunday said, “An excuse is the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie.” You’ll find people who good at excuses are usually not good for anything else.

Let’s face it, like the men in our story, those who make excuses to God have self-interests at heart. But God does not excuse our excuses! And by the way, their empty seats were filled by others. God always has someone in the wings waiting.

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