Nov 29, 2010

Poor Substitutes

I am not necessarily opposed to family councilors, Alcoholic Anonymous, psychiatry, and a host of other things used as legitimate means to get people back on their moral feet. I’d be inconsistent if I were, for I believe medicines can be used to cure physical ills. What I am against is total dependence on the means, even to the extent of glorying in them.

Everything good comes from God; therefore, whether it is Divine healing, or the use of means, behind it all is God. Whatever or whoever is used to get the job done, God, and God alone is to get all the glory, not individuals or institutions. To be grateful for them is one thing, to glory in them is another. “He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” “My glory will I not give to another, neither my praise…”

I’ve often wondered why it is today we do not hear more of instant and permanent deliverance in Christian’s lives. Such as drunkards, druggies, perverts, demon possessed, and such like. Have we limited the Holy One? Do we no longer believe He came to set the captive free? That nothing is too hard for God? Have we become so familiar with Him like His home townsmen that it can be said of us also, “And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief?”

It may not be your fault if you’re physically handicapped, but you have no one to blame if you are a Spiritual cripple.

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