Mar 19, 2011

A Child with a New Toy

As a young Christian, some fifty-two years ago, I had the wonderful privilege of listening to that golden voiced tenor, Jack Holcomb. I sat spell-bound each night of that two week revival. I heard him sing such heart-warming old hymns as,” Tell Mother I’ll be there” and “Its Real.” But the one that captured my heart, and has held me a willing hostage these many years since, was a song entitled, “I Found the Answer; I Learned to Pray.”

When a saint truly discovers prayer, as a delight and not just a duty it will be the dawn of a new day in his or her life. He or she will be like a little child with a new toy, all excited, and taken up with their newfound happiness. A little tyke does not concern himself trying to figure out the creator’s part in the manufacturing of the toy he enjoys, but simply takes advantage of the benefit that has been so graciously afforded him.

And so it is with this marvelous thing called prayer, it is better experienced than explained. Or as the old camp meeting preacher said concerning attempting to describe salvation, “It’s better felt than telt.” In the Holy Scriptures we find God has a part, and He has given to man a part. We are only responsible for ours. God is more than qualified to fulfill His part. As my dear Mother used to say, “Don’t you worry your pretty little head over it.” Mark it down, prayer will never be a blessing in your life until you cease from your own wisdom and understanding of it. O, child of God, just pray, and leave all the rest to Him!

“The Lord Jesus is still praying,” wrote S.D. Gordon. “Thirty years of living,; thirty years of serving; one tremendous act of dying; two thousand years of prayer. What an emphasis on prayer.”

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